Meet Your Host, Shelby Scarbrough

Shelby Scarbrough is an entrepreneur, author, and speaker who has combined her entrepreneurial background with her experience in public service to create a unique perspective for her work.

Most recently, she co-founded the Global School of Entrepreneurship (, which offers a New Way to MBA™ for entrepreneurs and their Key Executives.

Shelby authored Civility Rules! Creating a Purposeful Practice of Civility and often speaks about civility in society, companies and finding the joy in life.  She is a Co-Founder of nCourage Entrepreneurs angel investment group focusing on funding women lead entrepreneurial ventures.

 She began her career as a political appointee in the Reagan and Bush Administrations, working as a Presidential Trip Coordinator in The White House and later as a Protocol Officer at the U.S. Department of State.

Throughout her career, Shelby has had the privilege of working with notable figures such as Pope John Paul II, Presidents Reagan, Bush, Ford, Carter, and Nixon, President Walesa of Poland, Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth, members of the Royal Family, Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher, and Nelson Mandela planning events with the Vatican to Buckingham Palace to The Kremlin and The White House and had the honor of serving as Deputy Lead for Washington, DC for the State Funeral of President Reagan.

She started Practical Protocol, a VIP services company in 1990, was a franchisee of 10 Burger King restaurants for nearly 20 years.

She is a member of several associations including the John Howland Society (Mayflower Descendants), Kappa Alpha Theta Women’s Fraternity and the Entrepreneurs’ Organization where she served as chairman of the global board of directors. (

She currently serves on the board of the Freedoms Foundation at Valley Forge ( a 75-year-old foundation that teaches the founding documents of the United States to civics teachers and students in an interactive and creative way.

 Most importantly, Shelby is passionate about and remains committed to helping others succeed and so, “Your Mobile MBA for Entrepreneurs” podcast was born to share information with fellow entrepreneurs and with those who aspire to be one.